When the new year starts it is quite common and somewhat of a cultural expectation that we develop lofty goals for our self-improvement (AKA - New Year's resolutions). I don't know about you, but I hopped off that bandwagon several years ago and have no plans to get back on. Instead, I am trying to add more good habits to my daily routines. These little habits, known as microhabits, can actually have a pretty big impact on overall wellness, even though they seem pretty small.

One area of health that I've wanted to improve for a while is my hydration. I have been inconsistent in daily recommended water intake throughout my entire adult life. What I HAVE done consistently is drink ridiculous amount of diet soda, my favorite being Diet Pepsi. If you have known me long, you can most likely recall seeing me with one of those iconic red and blue labeled drinks in my hand. Yes, I know that diet soda isn't good for me. That doesn't make it easy to stop habitually drinking it though.
What has actually helped me turn the corner on increasing hydration and cutting WAY back on diet soda is adding one simple microhabit to my morning routine. Each morning before making and drinking my morning homemade mocha (AKA the LauraMocha), I have been drinking 16 oz (2 cups) of water into which I have squeezed 1/2 of a lemon. This daily habit has actually made me STOP craving diet soda and to start craving more water throughout the day.
Around the time I started this routine I began experimenting with different options to flavor my drinking water so I would want to drink it more. After trying several products, the one I have fallen in love with is Waterdrop. These little hydration cubes are made in Germany and come in many flavors. There is no added sugar, just naturally derived plant ingredients and vitamins.

I ordered one of their cute water bottles (which comes with a handy sleeve - see the first photo) and have been drinking AT LEAST 32 oz of water during my work day every day, using 2 hydration cubes to flavor it.
This habit is helping my overall health AND saving me money AND reducing the plastic waste I was creating. How, you ask? Well, my previous habit was to stop at the gas station on the way to work and buy two Diet Pepsis which cost me $4.38 per day. I purchased the ones in plastic bottles and you can picture how much plastic that put into the recycling loop each week. Instead, for less than $2, I am drinking water all day (much healthier) and putting only two tiny (see the little cube on the bottom left of the waterdrop box) plastic bubbles into the recycling bin. WIN!!
To add to the hydration fun, waterdrop has a hydration app where you can track your drinking, earn points and cash those in for product rewards. I am ALL about getting stuff for free. Be sure to check out waterdrop using THIS LINK.
If you want to know more about how microhabits can significantly increase your overall health, be sure to check out THIS ARTICLE. It has several ideas for ways to add tiny, doable wellness practices to your day.
What microhabits do you do? Which would you like to add? Leave a comment to share.
I am going to look into the waterdrops. I drink too much coffee every day and need more water. And I would like to do 10-15 minutes with weights Mon-Wed-Fri. I've found some YouTube videos, but have not started, yet.
I love that water bottle and am interested in getting some of those hydration cubes. I’m not sure what micro habit would be best to try right now. Maybe just spending a couple of minutes each morning with some mindfulness. Also, I’d like to get back into doing some yoga. 💕